Meet the Artists!!
Terrafuse Aruba is a NGO launched in 2008 with the aim to promote the art of glass, ceramics and bronze on the island of Aruba. This is done by giving workshops and advice and by developing products. Terrafuse always tries to involve local youth in her workshops.
T e r r a f u s e - Arubaglassceramics is a non profit organisation that promotes glass art, ceramic art and other art forms on the Carribean island Aruba.

Marian Abath
Marian Abath is trained as an educational scientist and started working with glass out of curiosity and to support Ciro in his activities. It became her passion! She took classes at The Glass furnace in Istanbul, Turkey and at Stipglas in the Netherlands. In 2007 she started giving workshops in her private studio, the first on Aruba. By now quite a large community of glass bead makers has been formed on Aruba. In her jewelry design she incorporates various kinds of glass, also discarded glass.
She learned glass blowing at Urban Glass in New York and at Stipglas in the Netherlands and she focusing on making small ‘worlds’ in glass, behind the torch as well as in the glass blowing studio . Marian loves sharing her knowledge and experience in workshops, opening a new world to others as it was to her.

Ciro Abath
Ciro Abath is a sculptor who works a variety of materials and techniques (ceramics, bronze casting, glass blowing, kiln casting). He participated in several international exhibitions and has represented Aruba on the Bienale of Sao Paolo, Brazil (23th) and Havana, Cuba (7th). In his work historical and organic aspects are combined with mystic and mythes. Ciro has been trained as an art teacher in the Netherlands and taught art for 30 years at Colegio Arubano. He has been trained as a glass blower at the Glassfurnace in Istanbul, Turkey, Urban Glass in New York, and at Stipglas in the Netherlands. Also he had workperiods at the European Centre for Ceramics in 's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands and he took Bronze classes at the Salzburg Summer Akademy.
Art work from Ciro can be seen on several public spaces on the island: at the airport, at the central bank of Aruba and Aruba Investment Bank and Arubabank Hato. Worth mentioning is his bronze art work on Plaza Padu, installed March 2017.
During recent years, Terrafuse Aruba received financial support of :

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied